Saturday, September 03, 2005

the thrill of a bargain

This is my third time trying to post about these shoes. If this post doesn't make it through this time, I'm moving on.

SO. This all took place on Saturday morning before Nana & Bobby's wedding. I'd decided to wear a lavender linen dress (that I last wore at my bridal shower in 1996, thankyouverymuch) and needed shoes to match. Well, it just so happened that I found the perfect pair at Mervyn's the week before. Lavender, size 10, on the clearance rack for $7.50. So totally mine! But being the cheapskate I am, I took my chances and decided to come back Saturday morning for the shoes. Translated - I sent Josh back Saturday morning. Hah! Not only were the shoes there, and still perfection, but I got my hands on the receipt and found the shoes were 50% off. Of $7.50. For a grand total of $4.05 with tax! My complete idea of perfection. Perfect shoes, on sale. Cheap sale. Laura sales. OMG, bargains get me off.

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